8 Things Dogs Dislike

8 Things Dogs Dislike

Today we’ll discuss some common misconceptions and mistakes that can make your puppy feel uncomfortable or distressed. These issues might seem minor, but they can have a significant impact on your dog’s happiness and health. Understanding and addressing these concerns can help you better care for and love your furry friend.

01 Walking in burning weather

Ground Temperature In the summer, sidewalks and asphalt can become extremely hot (up to 60-70°C), causing discomfort or even burns to your dog’s paws. Before going out, check the ground temperature with your hand and try to walk on grass or shaded areas. In winter, avoid snowy areas to prevent frostbite on your dog's toes.

02 Inconsistent Routine

Stable Biological Clock Dogs thrive on routine, and consistent feeding and walking times are crucial for their mental well-being. Disrupting these routines can cause anxiety and unease, especially in puppies. Establishing and maintaining a stable schedule for your dog can reduce their stress.

03 Without Exploration and Sniffing

Opportunity to Sniff Dogs use their sense of smell to explore the world. Rushing through walks without  sniffing can frustrate them. Allowing some time for your dog to explore and sniff can make their walks more enjoyable.

04 Post-Event Punishment

Ineffective Punishment Dogs cannot understand complex emotions like guilt or shame. Punishing them after the fact only causes fear and anxiety without changing behavior. Instead, manage the environment to prevent issues and use positive reinforcement to guide correct behavior.

05 Improper Nail Trimming

Proper Nail Care Improper nail trimming can lead to bleeding and pain. If you’re unsure how to trim your dog’s nails correctly, it’s best to have a professional handle it and keep styptic powder handy for emergencies.

06 Forcing Hugging

Understanding Hugging Dogs may perceive full-body hugs as a threat. Instead of forcing a hug, allow your dog to approach you and gently pet their chest and back.

07 Inconsistent Household Rules

Uniform Rules Consistency among family members regarding dog rules and attitudes is crucial. If your dog receives rewards in some situations but is ignored in others, they may become confused and frustrated. Consistent rules help your dog understand behavioral expectations better.

08 Summer Shaving

Shaving Risks Shaving your dog does not necessarily keep them cooler in the summer. Their double coat protects their skin from direct sunlight and helps regulate body temperature. Shaving may expose them to higher temperatures and increase the risk of skin issues and other health problems.


Addressing these details and making appropriate adjustments can enhance your dog’s quality of life and happiness. By understanding your dog's needs and body language, you can provide better care and avoid common pitfalls.

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